Decentralized storage

Decentralized storage is a type of data storage system in which data is stored across multiple nodes in a network rather than being stored in a centralised location. This means that there is no single point of failure or control, as each node is independent and operates autonomously.

Build With IPFS

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a protocol and network designed to create a decentralized, peer-to-peer method of storing and sharing hypermedia in a distributed file system. It is a distributed system for storing and accessing files, websites, applications, and data.

Completely free

IPFS is a free and open-source distributed file system that provides a decentralized method of storing and sharing files, websites, and data.

Lightning Fast

IPFS uses content-based addressing, which means that files are identified by their unique content hash rather than a location-based address. This allows for fast and efficient retrieval of files.


IPFS uses a distributed network of nodes to store and share data, providing redundancy and ensuring that data is available even if some nodes go offline.

BitSwap protocol

IPFS uses the BitSwap protocol to efficiently exchange data between nodes, reducing network congestion and improving performance.

Connecting BlockChains for a Seamless Future

With blockchain, intermediaries can be eliminated, reducing costs and increasing speed. Additionally, blockchain can enable new business models and revenue streams, creating opportunities for innovation and growth.


The future of decentralised Storage System

In the future, decentralized storage is expected to become more widespread and accessible, with new technologies and platforms emerging to support it. This will create new opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship, as developers and businesses leverage decentralized storage to build new applications and services.

Community driven development